Confidentiality Issues


Federal/state laws provide for protection of information related to a  relationship between a patient and psychologist: Information about any aspect of your relationship with Dr. Rosenberg cannot be disclosed without your written permission.

If you are using insurance coverage(s) to pay for clinical services, you will need to release information to your insurance carrier. In some cases the carrier will request only diagnostic classification codes defining problem areas. However, some insurances require detailed reviews of your personal information, past and present, and detailed progress updates about your treatment before authorizing payment for services. For worker's compensation patients, state statutes do not provide for confidentiality: the carrier and their agents have full access to your file. If you pay for services out-of-pocket, you control confidentiality and minimize release of data.

EXCEPTIONS: IN ALL CASES, including self-payment, appropriate persons WILL BE NOTIFIED of the minimal necessary information they need in order to effectively address the situation outlined in a manner which will ensure that the safety of all involved is preserved:

These exceptions include:

  • Suspected child abuse or abuse of a dependent adult or elder abuse: required by law to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately.
  • Patient threatening serious bodily harm to another person/s: Must notify the police and inform the intended victim(s) immediately.
  • Patient intends to harm himself / herself: Must make efforts to enlist patient cooperation to insure their safety. If they do not cooperate, must take further measures, without patient permission, required by law, in order to ensure their safety.

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